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Discontinue Economy packages

At 2MHost, we pride ourselves on being the only web hosting provider with a price-lock guarantee, our prices have never changed since we started business 22 years ago.

During the last 2 decades there were many changes in business expenses, some were good and some were bad, but in general we were always able to manage. However, in the last 3 years, things went out of control, especially in software license costs. To run your website and email smoothly, there are many commercial software running in background: CloudLinux, which manages resources between websites, Immunify360 to filter malicious requests and scan servers for malware, JetApp to backup and protect your content, Mailchannels to filter outgoing email to protect your domain of being blacklisted and many more, beside the software that connects everything together; cPanel.

The cost of licenses for this software increased dramatically during the last 3 years, especially cPanel. For cPanel alone, we used to buy the license for $20 per server in average for any number of hosting accounts, but after cPanel got acquired in 2018, the new owners decided to change the license model to be per hosting account instead of per-server and they kept increase the per-account price every year!

So, in 2018, for a server that hosts 200 accounts and the cost of cPanel license was $20/month per server the cost of cPanel license of each account was only $0.1/month, however, in 2023, the cost of cPanel license is $90+ per month and the cost of the license of each account is $0.45/month.

For $0.45 going to cPanel alone, it was impossible for us to continue selling web hosting for $1.00 with the same quality service that our customers expect. However, we continued to provide the same service at the same price given that a lot of our customers already manage both Economy and bigger packages, it was a pressure but we could handle it until another factor came into play;

CloudLinux, the software that manages server resources between websites strongly advised us not to allocate less than 100% of a server CPU to each website. Besides this forced us to utilize a new line of servers with a larger number of CPU cores, it's unfair to give same CPU resources for Economy packages ($1/mo) and Personal packages ($2.75/mo).

After checking all available solutions, we decided to discontinue providing the Economy, Economy+ and Economy x2 package and upgrade them to our basic Personal+ package. This means, by reading this announcement, your Economy hosting account has upgraded to a Personal+ package.

Please note that upgrading the Economy packages is free and will not cause any immediate charge, your website will use the new package until it's expiration date, then you can choose to renew the package or not.

This upgrade will allow us to continue to provide the quality of service our customers have grown to expect from us.

Thank you for hosting your websites with 2MHost.

Last update: Jun 09, 2023 15:57